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Helping you find care, any time, anywhere.

Doris continues to offer greater choice of care homes with room vacancies.

By Neil Allday, CEO
29 October 2024

The Doris Project goes from strength to strength.

Doris is helping more and more care seekers locate accommodation in care homes.

We are now able to alert over 5000 care homes nationwide of a request for room availability .

This will return to you offers of a vacancy within minutes and not a directory of  homes.

Our service to Care Seekers is completely free and to use as often as you wish.

Recently, a client who requested help through The Doris Project received five (5) offers of accommodation within 24 hours

No other platform can do this.

Use our search facility, complete a simple request form and press Go.

Doris will alert care homes within your chosen area of your request. Then sit back and wait for homes with care vacancies come back to you.

No random phone calls or endless online forms to complete. So easy, without the stress and fuss.

Good Luck with your search.

The Doris Project